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AMA Guides Virtual Community - Monthly Coaching, Q/A, and More!

There are many benefits to being part of our virtual community, including your monthly virtual meeting with Dr. Brigham, the AMA Guides Newsletter editor, and other experts. You will participate in lively discussions about using the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment and other medicolegal issues. Your questions will be answered. 

What you'll get:

  • Monthly virtual meetings with Dr. Brigham and other experts on impairment assessment and other important medicolegal issues.
  • Answers to your questions during these sessions.

Access to the live sessions is open to all; however, only active subscribers to AMA Guides Mastery have access to recorded sessions. With the recorded sessions, you may view the entire session, view important segments, and read a summary and transcript. We encourage you to join us with audio and video. Active dialogue is encouraged.

Once you are enrolled, you will receive a monthly Zoom link to the meetings. The meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of each month:

- Sixth Edition, 11:00 am - Noon ET

- Fifth Edition, 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET

We encourage you to submit questions in advance by clicking here.